So because I need to put my feelings about each Chainsaw Man chapter somewhere, I’ll be talking about every Chainsaw Man Chapter that comes out. First of all, fuck Fumiko, I hope Fuji Water devotes an entire chapter to that bitch getting killed. First, she SA’d Denji, second she won’t do her job and protect Denji LITERALLY THE THING SHE’S SUPPOSED TO DO and finally, she disrespected Meowy like that and called her “just pets”.
I can’t believe people were simping for her just because of her midriff and her “backstory” which is probably a lie to get Denji to trust her. In fact, let’s all go back to calling Fumiko her true name: Diharrea Woman. (Source: Nayuta) Meanwhile, my respect for Nayuta went up so much, even more than the last chapter. The fact that she not only saved Denji’s life but also actually cares about people (Unlike Makima) and is willing to risk her life for her loved ones. Also she is literally me, because she knows that video games are more fun than killing people. I bet Nayuta plays Doom, and I can’t wait until like four years in the ChainsawVerse when Nayuta discovers GTA 3. Her brain will explode. Also, Baram is pointing a gun at Nayuta, but I’m pretty sure NayuGOAT will survive. I have trust in Fujimoto. Anyway I’ll just go over the basic Chainsawman Stats like whether we have to wait two weeks and whether Kishibe is back etc.
Chainsawman Stats:
- Kishibe, Reze, and Kobeni Status: MIA, Still Not in The Manga
- Art: Good, but not Goodbye Eri, Early Part 2 Peak
- Biweekly Devil: He back.
- BarHIM Status: Chad, but he’s pointing a gun at another chad
- Current Best Ship: IDK, anybody but Fumiko right now.
- Chapters Since We’ve Last Seen Asa/Yoru: 6