The Reze Report: Chainsaw Man Chapter 159 Review

3 min readMar 19, 2024


Huh. He’s just using the Volume 14 Cover

If I’m being honest, I feel like this is just a setup chapter. Despite this, quite a bit happens. First, we get to see what happened to the Chainsaw Church members who had a contract with the Fire Devil. Apparently, one of the Public Safety Agent’s (the one who monitored Denji’s limb surgery thing) wife was one of the Chainsaw Church members. He yaps about philosphy and how good people get punished (he and his wife cheated on each other) and how bad people stay alive (the cranky old man) but of course Asa’s smooth brain didn’t realize that he was just stalling. When Yoru finds out about that she kicks Fami like the good sister she is and suddenly, the World’s Greatest Hater Katana Man comes out of the wall. Fami then calls best boy Guilly, “useless” (Fuck you Fami) and desummons him.

Somehow Guilly is cuter than normal

After that we get a duo setup with the Nobara Fiend and Katana Man against Asa and Fami, which will set up REZE/KISHIBE/KOBENI’S EPIC RETURN. (I know I’m coping) Still, despite the fact that the Nobara Fiend showed up like months ago, I find it awesome that Fujimoto is also a Nobara coper, gave up on waiting for GayGay to bring him back, and just wrote Nobara into his own manga. This gives me hope that he might bring Gojo back or have a popular Part 1 character (see above) return. He hasn’t. Yet, at least. Oh yeah, and Yoshida is the cover of Volume 17. I was expecting Nayuta or Barem, but this probably means that Yoshida is either going to be killed off or that Barem and Nayuta have greater plot significance. This means NAYUTA IS STILL ALIVE!!! LET’S GOOO!!!!

Yoshida fans deserve a W anyway after what has happened in the previous chapters.

Chainsawman Stats:

  • Kishibe, Kobeni, and Reze Status: I still have hope that Reze is in this building somewhere. Maybe we’ll get some Yoru x Reze content, just saying I think that’ll be funny.
  • Art: 17/10 just for the cute Guilly moments
  • Biweekly Devil: Still not here. That’s funny, we had plenty of breaks when Denji was the focus. Not that I want breaks, I just find it interesting.
  • Current Best Ship: Of course I can’t wait for more AsaDen but I’m hoping that we get some Reze interactions with Asa and Yoru. My headcanon is that Yoru will have a love at first sight moment when seeing Reze
  • Chapters Since We’ve Last Seen Denji: 3




Written by QuanxiYT


I made this page to talk about the things I like, but I'll probably just use it to rant about Chainsaw Man. PFP by Inoitoh

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